Settings for hot tubs (SYL-1512A)


Recently, Auber received several calls and emails regarding the SYL-1512A controller settings in their hot tubs. If your wiring is the same as the following one (click the picture to enlarge):

Or this one (empty pin 3).

Please try the settings below:

Access code 0001
SV = 104, AH1 = 125, AL1 = 126
All three numbers/temperatures above are in Fahrenheit degrees by default.  

Access code 0089
inty = P100

Any other settings remain unchanged (factory default). You can find the default settings in its manual

Explanation: SYL-1512A has two outputs. SSR output and relay output. By this wiring, both outputs are used and they are wired in serial to the external SSR. SSR output will drive the SSR relay, which will drive the heater in the hot tub. Relay output will work as a high temp cut-off alarm. This relay will be closed when temp is low and it will be open when the temp is too high (abnormal). By AH1 = 125 and AL1 = 126, this alarm relay output will be closed when temp is below 125 and open when temp is over 126. 

* Photo credit: Auber customers. 


Other useful notes:

1. During the normal operation, if you press the ">" key once (second key from the left) by mistake, it will cancel/open the alarm relay and your heater will stop heating. You will hear the internal relay "click" after that. To resume,

Option 1): power off then power on your control box (reboot).

Option 2): manually reset the alarm settings**:

* enter the menu 0001
* set AH1 the same value as AL1. 
* exit the menu 0001
* then go back in menu 0001
* set AH1 = 125, AL1 = 126
* exit the menu 0001

** Credit: Auber customers. 

2. Q: I just replaced my PID controller, why does my controller show ambient temp all the time? 

A: Please confirm/change parameter inty to P100. It is under menu 0089. 


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